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日期:2020-07-30 人气:92 

       核能环境化学研究中心成立于2013年,隶属合乐888在线登录注册与辐射防护国家重点实验室、江苏省合乐888在线登录注册与防护重点实验室和苏州大学合乐888在线登录注册及交叉学科研究院,主要瞄准国际放射化学前沿,围绕国家核能重大需求,立足放射性核素配位化学基本原理,开展锕系元素及其裂变产物的放射性污染防治与资源化的创新性基础研究。目前,本中心已形成了以放射性核素固体化学研究、放射性核素分离技术研究、放射性核素环境行为研究和放射性核素促排药物研究为核心的四大研究方向。现任中心主任为优秀青年基金获得者王殳凹教授 (shuaowang@suda.edu.cn)

       核能环境化学研究中心现有研究人员50余人,其中中科院院士1名,教授4名,副教授3名,讲师2名、助理研究员2名、助理实验师2名,博士后2名、科研助理2名以及研究生30余名,初步形成了以院士、杰青、特聘教授和优青为学术带头人的科研梯队。在中组部、科技部、基金委、江苏省、苏州大学以及合乐888在线登录注册及交叉学科研究院的大力支持下,本中心已初步建成2000平方米可安全操作超铀元素的乙级放射化学实验平台,并且拥有以单晶XRD、粉末XRD、显微紫外可见近红外固态光谱仪、显微红外光谱仪、高分辨ICP-MS、同步热分析仪、物理吸附分析仪和自动电位-光谱滴定仪等为主的环境放射化学仪器共享平台;负责和承担各类国家和省部级科研项目共22项,其中包括基金委重大项目1项、科工局挑战计划1项、军民融合总装预研项目1项、基金委优秀青年基金1项,江苏省杰出青年1项,基金委重大研究计划2项、基金委国际合作项目1项、基金委联合基金3项、基金委面上项目4项,基金委青年项目6项以及江苏省青年基金项目4项。迄今为止,中心在Nature Commun.、J. Am. Chem. Soc.、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、Environ. Sci. Technol.等国际主流期刊上共发表学术论文100余篇。

       The Center of Nuclear Environmental Chemistry at Soochow University was established in 2013, which belongs to State Key Laboratory of Radiation Medicine and Protection, Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Radiation Medicine and Protection and School for Radiological and Interdisciplinary Sciences of Soochow University. The center aims to conduct cutting-edge research on the fundamental solid state chemistry, material chemistry, and environmental chemistry of actinides and their fission products. The several primary research interests of the center include: (a) new waste forms of actinides and the fission products, (b) new strategies on separation and remediation of radioactive environmental pollutants, (c) environmental transportation and fate predicting of radionuclides, and (d) interaction between radionuclides and biomolecules including sequestration reagents. Currently, there are 18 faculty members and more than 30 graduate students in the center, including 1 member of Chinese Academy of Science, 3 professors, 2 guest professors, 3 associate professor, and 2 assistant professors. The center is fully equipped and specially designed for the safe handling and study of radioactive materials including transuranic elements such as neptunium and americium. Facilities include numerous radiological fume hoods and glove boxes, as well as an array of radiation detectors. Characterization instruments include a single crystal X-ray diffractometer with a brilliant Turbo X-ray source, a powder X-ray diffractometer equipped with an in situ chemical reactor, a Fourier Transform and Attenuated Total Reflectance Infrared microspectrometer, a high resolution Inductive Coupled Pla**atic Mass Spectrometer equipped with a laser-ablation system, a combined Thermogravity and Differential Scanning Calorimetry system, a solid state UV-vis-NIR microspectrometer, a multifunctional Gas adsorption ****yzer, and an integrated potentiometric-spectroscopic titration system. Until now, the center has undertaken a variety of research projects from Young Thousand Talented Program, the National Science Foundation of China, and the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province. More than 100 high-quality peered-review journal articles have been published in Nature Commun., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Environ. Sci. Technol., etc.
